Winning Back Your Estranged Wife – A Must Read For Men!
It’s only natural to feel down in the dumps after a divorce. You most likely feel lonely and depressed always. At this moment, your natural instinct is going to be to plead for her to return and beg for things to return to how they were initially, however this is the wrong way to go about winning back your estranged wife. Winning back your wife is not as difficult as it may seem, but to do this, you have to go against your gut feeling and use the following tips.
First, you need to give her some real quality time. This means no visits, phone calls, emails or text messages until you calm down. This is going to give you time to ponder on things and is going to as well give her time to miss you. She is going to start wondering what you are doing and she is going to miss you increasingly every day. If your wife contacts you, ensure you keep the conversations short and let her know that you simply need some time alone for now.
Next, examine what caused the divorce. Try to recall what it was like when you both initially started the relationship. How did you act differently then? What went wrong in the relationship? Were you always fighting? If so, ponder on what you were always fighting about and whether it was actually worth it. Did you stop spending time together? Did you become too needy? Analyzing this reason is going to let you to resolve the issue and to ensure the two of you do not have this trouble again.
This is the best time to improvement yourself, now that you are apart. Start to work out. Lose some fat and gain some muscle. Get a new haircut and buy some new clothes. Learn to be more independent and start spending time with your friends more. A man who is independent is much more attractive than a man who is needy and clingy. You are going to become more attractive to her and you will seem like a new person after making these small changes in your life. You are going to then be well on your way to reuniting with your wife.
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