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Ways to Make Your Ex Miss You And Want You Back After A Break Up

You are probably depressed at the moment. Your ex broke up with and you are still finding it difficult to believe what happened. You still have strong feeling for him or her and miss them so much; however, they don’t return your calls. You should make your ex miss you, rather than being desperate. This article reveals some simple ways to make your ex miss you.

First, you need to reinvent yourself. Usually, after a break up with someone you love, you tend to be depressed and weighed down by what happened. Therefore, you have to put yourself together and give more attention to yourself. Make it a point to pamper yourself to a face massage, manicure or pedicure. Get some new fashionable clothes. Change your hairdo. Start doing exercises to keep in shape. By appearing good outside, you’re simply making yourself attractive to those around you. Nobody wants to be around someone who is always sad and depressed. Appearing attractive is one of the ways to make your ex miss you.

Another way to make your ex miss you is to make yourself unavailable. Your ex thinks that you will be at reach at anytime or you are going to be there for them at all times even after the split up. Once you make yourself unavailable, you will make your ex reconsider the relationship. Making yourself unavailable simply implies no calling, texting, emailing or any other form of contact. Like the saying, “absence makes the heart grow fonder” your ex will realize how important you are to them once you are not readily available. The key is the more you make yourself unavailable, the more your ex will miss you.

Keeping yourself busy is another effective technique. Usually, during a relationship we can’t do certain things we love to do. So, now is the best time to do those things you have always wanted to do but couldn’t do because of the relationship. If there is a particular sport you love, this is the best to do it. Go on vacation to places you have always wanted to visit. Study a course you love. Do whatever it is to improve yourself. Engaging yourself with these activities will help to occupy your mind and make you to stop thinking about your ex. This will definitely make you unavailable. Your ex will be wondering if you have moved on and this will attract them back to you.

Having your ex leave you is devastating, but break up don’t always signal a permanent end to a relationship if you have a plan in place. If you want to mend your broken heart and have the person that you just can’t let go back into your life, then click here now.

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